
One series of use examples is provided over here in the JuliaClimate Notebooks.

More detailed examples listed below rely on the nctiles-testcases and are found in the NCTiles.jl/examples/ folder.

  • Example1.jl reads two-dimensional fields on a regular grid ("lat-lon") read from binary files, and then writes them to a netcdf file. This example illustrates the use of either NCDatasets.jl or NetCDF.jl as the backend.
  • Example2.jl reads two-dimensional fields from the netcdf file generated in Example1, and then re-writes them to a new netcdf file.
  • Example3.jl reads Global Ocean variables which are partitioned into subdomains and writes each one to a collection of NetCDF files ( nctiles ).
  • Example4.jl reads two three-dimensional variables from the netcdf files generated in Example3, combines them into a single data structure, and then re-writes them together into a new netcdf file.
  • Example5.jl writes a ClimArray struct from the ClimateBase.jl package to a netcdf file using NCTiles.jl, and vice versa.
  • Example6.jl (Work In Progress) demonstrates the specification of a climatological time axis.